I had been a big Snickers fan since I was a kid and I never thought that a game about Snickers would ever be made. But guess I was wrong right? (loL) Well with the announcement of the Snickers game last friday, I had spent a few hours (YES HOURS BELIEVE IT OR NOT) and played this frustratingly competitive browser flash game (cause I seriously want to win SOMETHING).
The Snickers game comes in two form, the Augmented Reality version where you’d need a printed hungerlings photo and the keyboard version of the game. The premise is simple enough and similar to both types. You need to eat the Snickers bar falling while evading the bombs and the brand X chocolate bars. Simple enough right? But the thing here is, this is a speed competition so you have to be really fast on both versions if you want to have any chance of winning.
The Augmented Reality version needs to have you on the webcam and controlling the hungerling with your head. You have to evade the bombs and x-bars by weaving which isn’t really easy to do specially if you have a very unresponsive cam.
If you dont have a webcam or you think your webcam is useless, you can opt to participate with the keyboard. With the use of the arrow keys you have to run away and avoid the bombs and the x-bars.
Achievements in the game can be shared through facebook and twitter (if you’re like me who likes to gloa- i mean share :D)
The awarding of prizes are seperated for the AR and keyboard versions of the game. So I suggest you better try both for maximum opportunity! So if you’re interested in participating just visit the Snickers Game site and register!
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