Like most people, I started my MMO career with Ragnarok Online. And like most people, I would have been filthy rich by now if it weren’t for Ragnarok Online.
Ah yes, even after all these years, I can still remember the excruciating pain I had to go through to be an acolyte. Curse you, Father Rubalkabara, for living in the middle of nowhere! And you, Choco, a big no thank you to you too for hanging out near Rubalkabara’s place!
Eventually, I did become a priest, a high priestess even, and I was Full Support all the way. Like a good, obedient little FS, I learned every single skill that’s useful to everyone but me. I was happy. Until, of course, I came across too many unreasonable people:
Wiz: aTe HeAL wAk T@ng@
Me: heal
Wiz: FS ka b? Di kA aTa mAruNonG
Me: Just because I’m a priest doesn’t mean you won’t die. Stop rushing in; you’re too fragile.
Wiz: charges ahead, leaves me behind
-Wiz dies after getting hit twice-
Wiz: aWtZz! B0B0! WaLA KaNG KWeNTA!
I played Full Support for a little over 6 years. I’ve been battered, scammed, accused of being a guy, of being gay, of being offensive names—all because people think that every Priest is their personal servant.
When they die, they blame the Priest. Does it matter that they’re too weak for that area and don’t bring their own emergency potions? No, of course not! It’s the Priest’s fault! Does it matter that they charge blindly ahead and leave their Priest behind? No, the Priest should have been like a guardian angel attached to their hip! Of course, it’s the Priest’s fault! Come on, you guys, FS Priests are working WITH you, not FOR you.
So I took a break from being the unappreciated, whiplashed FS and took on my friend’s recommendation to play Left 4 Dead 2. I found myself holding a gun and walking around while blasting zombies to kingdom come. It felt right. It felt good. Hm. Yes. OH. YES. FEEL GOD’S WRATH FOOLS!
All the pent up rage of being everyone’s on-call servant has indirectly trained me to have dead aim, and L4D2 just took off the lid that has been keeping my killer instinct in check. I was on a mad rampage. I played shooter games before but never did I enjoy it THIS MUCH. I guess it helped that my FS training has developed a searing loathing for the undead. This also marked the beginning of my beautiful love affair with blood and gore. More on this love in future posts.
And that is why I will never ever play Full Support again. I’d rather die kicking and screaming with my gun down a zombie’s throat than die while keeping everyone else alive (and being cursed at while doing so, too!)
1 Comment
good thing i was one of the first fs priest in valkyrie server.. they had nothing to say to me or else they would bleed to death try to level up the snail way.. lol