If you, like a bunch of us here at Back2Gaming, miss the days side scrolling arcade beat-’em-ups, then you’re in luck. Deep Silver and Southend Interactive’s  Sacred Citadel looks like a throwback to the days of Golden Axe set within the Sacred universe. That comparison is definitely a good thing, as  the Golden Axe series (well, the first few installments, anyway) is a fondly remembered bunch of games.
The trailer rattles off a short list of things to expect from the game while providing pretty much nothing but gameplay footage, which is a good thing. One thing I noticed here is that the action seems to be locked to a single 2D plane, like the Shank games. And will you look at that stylized art direction? If Sega ever made something along the lines of  this instead of the awful Golden Axe: Beast Rider, then the GA series would still somewhat be alive and well, don’t you think? But I digress. Enjoy the trailer, folks.
Sacred Citadel will hit Playstation 3, Xbox360, and PC sometime next year.