It was recently posted on USA Today that geeky girl Felicia Day, producer of the web series The Guild and co-star to Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Filion on Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long blog is staring and co-producing a Dragon Age inspired web series, Dragon Age: Redemption.
DA: Redemption tells the story of Tallis, an elven assassin who is tasked to capture a renegade magician who is said to be part of the chantry, a religious group in Ferelden (DA world).
Day shares that, “Tallis is headstrong, she fights dirty, and she has a really sarcastic sense of humor,” and she wanted to bring a modern sensibility to a fantasy character in a fantasy world. In the six-episode web series, Tallis is supposed to gain allies along the way since she can’t finish her quest alone. To further up the ante against Tallis it seems that the success of her mission is related to her future and her freedom.
This six-series web episode is green lighted by BioWare, Co-founder Greg Zeschuk even mentioned that Day was the type of person they’re willing to work with. People who have a passion and appreciation for the content and a really good history of quality.