There’s a chill in the air, as the Arrow of Retribution joins the Arctic Ops Force! Meet Arctic Ops Varus, the newest skin for the said champion. Here is the official excerpt from Riot Paradox:
Arctic Ops Varus leaps from the rampart, a hail of arrows flying from his bow and freezing the ground beneath his victims. As they struggle to regroup, he draws a missile — circuits flashing along its spine — and lets fly at the center of the cohort. Chains burst from the missile, snaring everyone in range. He studies his targets for a brief moment before his bow breaks into an X and a holographic reticule appears in front of him. One more arrow is all he needs.
Arctic Ops Varus costs 1350 RP at the League of Legends store, but is discounted at 975 RPÂ through March 24 (NA Server).
Source: #1