With The International 3 fast approaching and its qualifiers on-going, we can’t expect any major patches that can bring significant changes to game play. So no new heroes as of the moment and no significant nerfs, buffs or balance changes. There are, however, several performance and community updates including vsync on window mode as well as reduced memory fragmentation. DOTA 2 also now supports 6 broadcaster channels so we can expect wider coverage for different casters and different languages.
[box_light] UPDATE NOTESMay 16, 2013
Source: DOTA 2 Dev Forums
– Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit giving vision to Elder Titan while dead.
– Elder Titan: Fixed Earth Splitter being placed slightly too far forward.
– Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order not getting upgraded on the Ancestral Spirit if it was already in the air.
– Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order sometimes not getting applied before Ancestral Spirit’s damage.
– Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes stack getting dispelled with Magic Immunity.
– Added vsync support to windowed modes.
– Reduced memory fragmentation.
– There are now 6 broadcaster channels.
– Added map ping throttling for communication banned players.
– Now highlights Compendiums that are gifts from other players.
– Updated with new stretch goals.
– Prize pool now displays how much the Compendium owner has contributed.
– Particles on unusual couriers work again.
– Strange items that count things other than kills work again.