The relevance of LoL nowadays
League of Legends (LoL) is undoubtedly the juggernaut of the modern gaming world and has been around for over 13 years (keeping in mind that 2009 was the beta year). Not to mention that the game model is even older than that. The game’s basic concept is still the same, yet LoL seems to be one of the best games on PC to date. LoL is massively successful and has earned millions and millions of dollars to a point where they have enough spare change to lobby Congress to recognize pro-gamers as athletes in the United States or have enough influence to get ESPN to do a 30-minute special on their world finals.
This game has some of the most loyal and passionate fans on the internet. People with good exposure to esports betting and those who have been playing LoL on a competitive level should stay updated on LoL betting predictions, so you need to visit site to get more info. Over the last fifteen years, LoL has gained a massive player base, with over 70 million monthly players. How so?
Why do people love LoL?
League of Legends has always been the more popular game, and despite this having been discussed over the years, almost no one gives credit to the real reason why LoL has always been on top. Generally, people point to three factors; LoL came out earlier, it’s more accessible and casual friendly, and Riot, the creators of League of Legends, has better marketing.
While all these arguments are valid, many additional reasons add to its massive fame. A game design researcher, Marco LeBlanc, has been giving lectures and presentations on what makes a game more fun for nearly 15 years. He has come up with eight pillars of game design that he refers to as “Eight Kinds Of Fun”. These explain the eight kinds of subject and design aspects into which every game can categorize their player’s enjoyment.
Every game you play has at least one or two of these aspects the developer focused on giving you that gives you the enjoyment you feel as you see the story unraveling, the open world for you to discover, or the challenges you face ahead. League of Legends fills six of these eight kinds of fun incredibly well.
Brilliance of LoL
As mentioned earlier, of these eight kinds of fun, LoL wholeheartedly encompasses six of them perfectly, starting off with a fantasy. Fantasy is the fun you get from losing yourself in another world and doing things you’d never get to do in real life.
The next kind of fun that LoL encompasses is Challenge. This is a pretty self-explanatory form of pleasure. LoL is sort of based around the idea of the perpetual challenge of defeating endless opponents within matchmaking. League encompasses this kind of fun perfectly through its multiplayer system, rank two ladders, and its never-ending quest for improvement. There’s always a new challenge for competitive players to face spicing up the LoL betting predictions.
The third kind of fun that LoL has is Fellowship. The desire to interact with others in a social framework and cooperate as we strive towards a common goal that’s filled pretty damn well by the creators of League of Legends. The teamwork, composition synergy, or even just the rush that you feel when you work together to ace an enemy team is a feeling that’s very hard to replace with any other game out there. And since everyone wants to win when they queue up to play, it’s almost guaranteed that if you try your best, you will experience this kind of fun in nearly every game.
The next pillar of fun is Discovery, and League of Legends has somehow captured it brilliantly. LoL has this way of getting newer players hooked while still keeping veterans around through the massive amount of content it has and the wonderful feeling you get when you discover it.
Interesting Tournaments and Betting Matches
Millions of LoL evangelists love this game more than anything, which is why we think you should bet on LoL. Your process of analysis when approaching what teams or players you should bet on should be keen and deeply analytical, guided by a sense of intuition. Before the season starts, take a look at the entire schedule, pick every game, and put a win rate on it. And then, when the schedule is released, compare them to see if you have an actual edge.
Public perception often swings heavily from team to team throughout the season, so it’s good to have a baseline number to refer back to. Besides, every game differs based on the champion select and pick band phase. So it is essential to not lose the analytical edge while LoL betting predictions. Find out which underdog has the most value, do they have a reasonable expectation of return on that value, and then start with breaking down the analytics and stats.
This method might not be a hundred percent effective. Still, it is profitable because even if it is not getting into all the nuances of drafting the players and games, you will be correct at least 50% of the time when you have enough information. As they say, even a broken clock is correct twice a day!
League of Legends has a creative way of going about its expression. Having a uniqueness in yourself is a great experience, and LoL lets you have that in a terrific way. It allows most of its player base unforgettable enjoyment and fun that you can experience over and over again for years to come.