Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint will kick off a free weekend from November 4-7, available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One consoles, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.
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The Ghost Recon Breakpoint Closed Beta ran from September 6 to September 10 and showed a game in need of polish and fixes, but also a very promising future with the right support.
The recently announced Ghost Recon Breakpoint is the latest title in Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy brand, promising to bring spec-ops action two years after their last title, Ghost Recon Wildlands. The Ghost Recon page currently has a wealth of information related to the title. Let’s talk about several points about the game including the new gameplay, the story, and other possibilities. A direct sequel to 2017’s Ghost Recon Wildlands, Ghost Recon Breakpoint will bring us to a new and mysterious open world: the fictional Auroa archipelago, home of the tech…
Ghost Recon Wildlands is the latest installment in the Tom Clancy-verse. Unlike the PvP only Rainbow Six: Siege and the always-online The Division, GRW is geared for good old-fashioned off-line PvE with on-line coop.