As we inch ever so closer to Street Fighter X Tekken’‘s March release, Capcom is seemingly pulling out the big guns for one big push to build up more hype before the game comes out. As promised by current head honcho of all things SF, Yoshinoro Ono over Twitter, six additions to the roster have been revealed, along with previously confirmed fighters Asuka Kazama (Tekken) and Rufus (Street Fighter). These are: Paul Phoenix, Marshall Law, and Ling Xaioyu for the Tekken side, and Vega (Balrog in Japan), Balrog (M. Bison in Japan), and Juri representing Street Fighter. In the meantime enjoy the cinematic trailer posted above and the gameplay trailer along with some sweet character artwork after the jump.
Of course, there are hints in the trailers as to who else we’ll be seeing in subsequent character reveals. Street Fighter X Tekken will be released on March 6 of this year for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Playstation Vita.
Source: [Capcom Unity, F*** Yeah Fighting Games (character art)]