Many PC gamers, especially those using Linux for gaming, were disappointed when Deep Silver announced last year that Metro Exodus will be 1-year exclusive at the Epic Games Store. Now that the game is back on Steam, Linux gamers in the Steam community asked if the new game will come to Linux since Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light were also released on Linux.
And the response is…
Liam Dawe of GamingOnLinux also sent an e-mail to Deep Silver to verify if the Steam forum post is correct. Deep Silver replied and said “Yes, this is correct“. Is the Linux version of Metro Exodus being developed because the game is already on Google Stadia? We’ll know once we get more details but what we do know for sure is that 2020 is a great year to start gaming on Linux.
If you’re still on Windows 7 and don’t want to switch to Windows 10, maybe you should check out our Newbie Friendly Guide to Using Linux for Gaming.
By the way, there is now an easy way to play Windows games on Linux. Watch the video below.
cool plus it’s also now avaible in steam as well.
Will Try this one