According to, the people who were able to break the wii for homebrew purposes has announced in the 27th annual chaos communication that they were able to get into the “skeleton key” of the unit for homebrewers to finally make their own games.
The presentation video, which can be seen after the jump didn’t present the “hack” in action but the people behind the hack did an elaborate explanation on how they did it. I can’t even understand the whole picture since I’m not a programmer but confirms that Sony didn’t bother to create random numbers to secure the unit.
The people weren’t able to do the demo since they had “problems” with it, so hopefully we get to hear more from them. The team also emphasized that they did the break not for piracy (because they couldn’t care less about the games) but more because they want to make their own software for the console (Of course there are people out there who loved the idea because of the potential of free games but that’s another story altogether).
Of course this isn’t news already since there’s a hack that’s circulating that requires the downgrade of the unit for pirated games to be able to play. However if I got them correctly, with their work, the ps3 will forever be hacked (Correct me on this one).