Got an alt army and looking for extra ways to put it to work and make some serious gold? We’ve got you covered!
Today, we’ll share a bunch of good alt camps for farming rare collectibles that can fetch a nice chunk of gold at the Auction House. Here, we’ll explain which mobs to target and where to park your characters for optimal spawns, as well as break down the items to loot and the gold you can expect to earn from them. And if you want to get rich even faster, you can always buy WoW gold at WowVendor where you’ll find a wide range of packages for all game versions, fast and secure delivery, and wallet-friendly prices.
Top Rare Elite Farms for Your Alts in The War Within
Before we dive in, it’s important to note that Auction House prices mentioned here are used for reference and can vary widely depending on your server. As we all know how rapidly WoW’s market can shift, so before farming a specific item, always check its value on your realm. If there are already multiple listings with undercut prices, it’s better to skip that camp and park your alt somewhere with more profit potential.
The drop rates for most of the items we’ll discuss are quite low. It’s more of a gamble, with no guaranteed rewards, so the more you farm and the more alts you have stationed at key locations, the better chances you have of scoring those valuable drops.
Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that we won’t focus on the most popular items, like toys and battle pets, which are already heavily farmed by many players. Instead, we’ll be sharing more niche farms that will still make good profits but with less competition.
And with all that out of the way, let’s get to those gold-making alt camps!
Gibblewilt and Timber (New Tinkertown)
Gibblewilt is a rare Elite mob located in New Tinkertown, just north of the Toxic Airfield. Our guy has several potential drops, but the two we’re most interested in are the Foreman Pants and Foreman Vest. The drop rate for these items is fairly low, sitting at around 0.7%, but the payout is quite good as both pieces typically sell for 60,000-70,000 gold.
Next up is Timber, a wolf mob found in the eastern part of Iceflow Lake. Timber can give you two notable drops: Silver-Lined Bracers and White Wolf Gloves. Both are white items that are now transmog-eligible, which makes them a lot more popular on the market. The bracers can fetch 5,000-10,000 gold; the gloves are more valuable, selling for around 25,000 gold.
Krkk’kx and Ironeye the Invincible (Thousand Needles)
Thousand Needles offers two profitable camps with potential high-ticket drops.
Krkk’kx spawns northwest of Fizzle and Pozzik’s Speedbarge. The item of interest here is the Silithid Ripper, a sword that can sell for up to 250,000 gold. Weapons always do well at the Auction House and the price for this particular one is pretty decent, so we’d recommend stationing not one but several of your alts at this location to have better chances for a drop.
Our second farm in Thousand Needles is Ironeye the Invincible, a basilisk that can be found near Twilight Withering. This rare mob has one notable drop: the Blade of the Basilisk, another sword with an approximate value of 20,000 gold. Given the rarity of the drop and low competition on the market, you may even be able to raise the price by an extra 10,000-20,000 gold. Dedicated collectors are often willing to pay a premium for unique items like this one, so you’ll definitely make a sale even if your listing is a bit overpriced.
Ma’ruk Wyrmscale, Razormaw Matriarch, and Garneg Charskull (Wetlands)
Ma’ruk Wyrmscale resides in Wetlands near Dun Algaz. This guy is worth camping for two valuable items: Warchief’s Girdle and Scythe Axe. Warchief’s Girdle is a belt that usually sells for tens of thousands of gold, depending on your server. While it’s not the priciest item, demand for it is quite steady, so you’re likely to make a quick sale. Scythe Axe, on the other hand, is the real prize. As a weapon, it’s guaranteed to sell well, with values reaching up to 100,000 gold.
Razormaw Matriarch spawns in a cave at coordinates 69.8, 29.2. This raptor drops two key items: Jurassic Wristguards, which can sell for around 50,000 gold, and Beaded Raptor Collar, valued at approximately 20,000 gold. Also, you’ll have a chance to find a nest with purple eggs that can drop the Razormaw Hatchling battle pet. The pet itself doesn’t earn a fortune, but it drops frequently enough to be a good source of extra gold during your farming sessions.
The final mob in Wetlands, Garneg Charskull, hangs out in a tent nestled between the hills north of Whelgar’s Retreat. This Elite’s loot table includes two highly sought-after items: Garneg’s War Belt and Ringed Helm. The belt is a unique piece that can net you something between 50,000 to 100,000 gold, depending on the realm. The helm is a bit more pricey, with a chance to earn you several hundred thousand gold.
Kazon (Redridge Mountains)
Kazon is waiting for you just outside Render’s Camp in Redridge Mountains. He can reward you with two great items: Cutthroat Pauldrons and Kazon’s Maul. The pauldrons are a shoulder piece that you can easily sell for around 20,000 gold. For the Kazon’s Maul hammer, you can get a lot more because, as a weapon, it has higher demand and easily fetches over 100,000 gold at the Auction House.
Chatter (Redridge Mountains)
This spider spawns in the area between Lakeshire and Alther’s Mill. The item we’re after is the Tarantula Silk Sash, a waist piece with the potential to sell for up to 200,000 gold. Chatter isn’t heavily camped, but the drop rate for the Sash is quite low, so you’ll need to be patient with your farms.
Digmaster Shovelphlange (Badlands)
This guy can be found in Uldaman โ not inside the dungeon but in the corridors around the zone before you enter the instance portal. The reason why we want to hunt this mob down is two very lucrative pieces: Shovelphlange’s Mining Axe and Expert Goldminer’s Helmet. Both items come with a decent drop rate โ higher than the average on our list โ and can potentially net you up to 300,000 gold each.
Thuros Lightfingers (Elwynn Forest)
Thuros hangs out near Maclure Vineyards in Elwynn Forest. He drops two valuable transmogs: Fingerless Gloves, selling for around 20,000 gold, and Thuggish Shield, which is a lot more profitable and can earn you somewhere about 160,000 gold. Both items offer unique appearances and are in high demand now, especially for collectors, which makes them real hot sellers that won’t sit long at the Auction House.