When one hears the word “hack”, many quickly associate it with computers – flashes of green text scrolling down multiple screens with hackers typing faster than they can speak. Ahh the wonders of modern cinema, if you can call the Matrix and everything that portrays hackers in that way in modern light. But the word didn’t have such a negative meaning, older folks use the word to define the older meaning of the word which you may hear still being used to day. You ever heard of a hacksaw? Yup. And it gets deeper than that.
Today, the word “hack” or “hacking” can mean malicious computer activities as well as finding shortcuts for tasks but it can also apply other things and in this infographic from Wrike, we have a nice history of how the word hacking has been shaped and used throughout history. Here is the history of the word “hack”.
Infographic brought to you by Wrike software for agile project management