First of all let me just say that downloading this in a 3rd world country with 3rd world download speed is torture. Iรขโฌ™m sure that while I was downloading it, tens of thousands of gazillions of people, each with faster internet connection than I could ever have, were downloading it at the same time. It took at least a day for me to finish downloading the gargantuan demo. 2GB worth, at least.
But oh dear lawd it was so worth it.
I got to try Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 this morning and until now Iรขโฌ™m still suffering from withdrawal symptoms. Greedy Nicole wants summore please!
Graphics look great because of the HDTV. I can stare at my Commander Shepardรขโฌ™s face forever. Cutscenes were a joy to watch. However, this has to be said, there were some parts of the game that the visuals seem jagged. There seems to be occasional screen tearing that was pretty distracting but forgivable, at least for me. This might change though when the full game comes out on the PS3.
There was also a LOT of backreading to be done and not having to play the first Mass Effect (I never had a gaming PC that could run it so DONรขโฌ™T JUDGE ME PLZ) there was a really huge chunk of story that needed to be digested. The demo showed the backstory and presented it in such a way that it was clear, concise yet still very much enjoyable.
Getting to know the gameรขโฌ™s main storyline is nowhere near as awful as the Final Fantasy XIII Primer I had to choke myself with. Iรขโฌ™ve said it once and Iรขโฌ™ll say it again; Bioware has an amazing knack for storytelling. I didnรขโฌ™t find myself chasing after terms that sounded so foreign to me nor was I compelled to read through tons of datalog to know whatรขโฌ™s going on.
I shall resign to the fact that the only time Iรขโฌ™ll be able to play the first Mass Effect is if I spend 3 days at a friendรขโฌ™s place and leech off his food, water and other resources. However, this ME2 demo on the PS3 feels exquisitely promising. For someone like me who has zero experience, ME2 was still successful in making me feel special and important. It didnรขโฌ™t alienate me from the gameรขโฌ™s main storyline which is awesome.
Good job Bioware, I canรขโฌ™t wait to play this on January ๐