The stage is set and the competitors are all but ready for the first ever major League of Legend tournament here in the country. Seven teams will face-off this coming Saturday, april 2 at VIllman in SM Annex North Edsa. The winning team will take home a staggering 50,000 PHP and will have the right to say they are the top seeded team in LoL in the country.
Here are the seven teams that will face it off this coming saturday (as of this moment there are only 5 teams up in the teams profile page):
Team XD
- Marrion Imperial Dabalos aka XD.Shen
- Eugene Roslin aka XD.Cloud
- Johann Michael Chua aka XD.KazeKage
- Lourdjames Flores aka XD.ShoW
- Christian Carlo M. Musngi aka VOiD Qza
- Jay Marvyn Munar aka XD.cloud7jay
Team SFC
- Mikael Lorenzo Tabanda aka sFc.Miko
- Regine Marie Guevara aka sFc.santinni
- Kurt Cristobal aka sFc.rebengga
- Michael Martin Lee aka sFc.r1mike
- Erick Thomas Gaspar aka sFc.Check
- Keith Cristobal aka Bubumon
- Harold Vicencio Mallari aka pcfc.ruin
- Bien Carlo Claudio Borras aka pcfc.shoti
- Judge Gideon Cruz aka pcfc.iddo
- Angelo Dave Nada Lopez aka pcfc.dabe
- Gilbert Sales Jr. aka pcfc.gibo
- Jeffrey Tiu Cua aka pcfc.Wormy
Team DDG
Jhoana Lolita Marrie C. Fruto aka DDG.Wangki
Pauline Jaye Corsino aka DDG.NinJ4P4Nda
Katrin Joyce Peñaredonda aka DDG.Joyci
Kathlene B. Mendoza aka DDG.Kengertz
Michaela Oteyza aka DDG.Mawleycakes
Kath Gaudan aka DDG.Skittles
Team Mineski
Marlon B. Marcelo aka Mski.chunkie
Irymarc Gutierrez aka Mski.trqy
Jose G. Silva Jr aka Mski.bong diesel
Neil Cedric Ku San Juan aka Mski.Nsj
Nathaniel O. Neo aka Mski.NeonizerGG
For full details of the tournament rules, bracketing and event summary you can visit the tournament page. Of course the event itself won’t be just about us watching these teams duking it out. People present at the event would have the opportunity to win Champion bundles, LoL mousepads and lanyards and of course you’ll get to meet the people behind the game, of course I’m talking about the GMs.
Also as another pre-event bonus we were given 18 promo codes containing TWITCH, OLAF and KENNEN to give away here on the blog! This giveaway is a first come first serve giveaway and the first 18 people who’d leave their Garena Messenger account ID here on the blog will get the codes! So what are you waiting for!? Comment away!
Also, as an added note– MAKE SURE YOU PUT your Garena Messenger ID on the comment and NOT your Summoner Name just to make things clear okay?
[UPDATE: 8:17 03/29/11: Thank you for all who joined! All the codes have been given away! Better luck next time!]
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Garena ID: PlayerOne0101
Summoner’s Name: DARK_BLUE09