Before I start with this post, I’d like to say SUCK THIS YOU PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO BLAME VIOLENT GAMES FOR CREATING VIOLENT PEOPLE!!!!!! *breathes in* now that’s done…
A 22 year-old mother from Jacksonville, Florida was charged of killing her 3 month old baby after shaking him to death because he was interrupting her time with Facebook game, Farmville’
The mother, Alexandra V. Tobias, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for shaking her baby, Dylan Lee Edmondson twice after she got angry with the child for interrupting her Facebook gaming. The second-degree murder charge can be punishable to life in prison.
Tobias told investigators that she shook the baby, smoked a cigarette to compose herself and then shook him again. She told the investigators that she may have hit his baby’s head during the shaking.
I’d like to take this time to also state that this is one proof that videogame related crimes are not rooted on the type of games these people play but the problem lies on the people themselves. I mean, this if FARMVILLE for cying out loud!? How can it be VIOLENT!? and yet here we have a mom shaking her baby to death because she she was interrupted by her baby during farming!?
Now I’d like to see how you defend your “VIOLENT GAMES MAKE VIOLENT PEOPLE” stand.