Razer recently unveiled via email newsletter a new part of their site (http://www.razerzone.com) which they call the Razer Academy. Dubbed as an all-new learning platform for competitive gaming driven by pro-gaming stars, Razer intends to deliver content created by e-sports and gaming personalities to everyone that aims to educate their followers.
The site currently lists an already impressive number of personalities spanning multiple facets of the e-sports and professional gaming circuit as pictured in their site:
[singlepic id=4852 w=320 h=240 float=center]Some of the names include:
- Â Athene – World’s Best Paladin
- Latif – Street Fighter Champion
- Swifty – World of Warcraft Guru
- Cypher – Quake Pro
Robert “Razerguy” Krakoff opens up Razer Academy with a nice introduction on their goals for this new project along with a couple other of the Academy stars.
What a lot of non-gamers and people outside the industry don’t realize is that e-Sports and the cyber-athletes that compete in these tournaments put in a lot of physical and mental effort to ascend to the level of greatness that they have. I believe it’s an art, the way the top gamers can maintain focus throughout a high-powered one-on-one 20 minute StarCraft II throwdown, or the way a team comes together to take home the victory in one fast-paced Counter-Strike round. All these are skills that can be taught and cultivated, whether you want to make your mark in the world of e-Sports or just put yourself on top of multiplayer leaderboards all the time. – Robert “Razerguy” Krakoff
This project is currently in beta stages and content is expected to increase as time and contributors increase.