Power Color HD 6670* (Review Copy = what Bossmac used for the review)
- Go to the Back2Gaming Forums
- Find the Back2Gaming – Power Color HD 6670 raffle thread
- Reply by answering this question: “What’s your most favorite meme? Why?”
- Those who replied correctly will be counted in the raffle
- Using a randomizer we will choose who gets to win the videocard
- Contest Duration: till October 15
- Contest is only available to MANILA residents only or for those who are willing to travel to manila to claim the item.
Power Color HD 6790* (Review copy = what Bossmac used for the reivew)
- To win the 6790 you need to complete a 3 part phrase.
- Each part of the phrase can be found at a different location.
- Clues to the location will be revealed every week at the back2gaming fanpage and twitteraccount
- The first part of the phrase can be found inside the Power Color Video Card Review
- The first part of the phrase can be found inside the Power Color Video Card Review
- Once you complete the 3 part phrase you need to register.
- To have a valid entry you need the following:
- The 3 part phrase
- URL where you found each part
- To have a valid entry you need the following:
- Valid entries will then be drawn with a use of a randomizer and whoever gets chosen, wins!
- Contest Duration: September 26 – October 15
- Contest is only available to MANILA residents only or for those who are willing to travel to manila to claim the item.
*the video card isn’t under warranty 😀 so don’t go chasing after us if it’s broken 😀
I hope I win.
where are you going to register?
the registration form is not yet out 😀
tnx. goodluck to everyone 🙂