With Castlevania: Lords of Shadow already out for more than a week, the people from gamesradar wonderfully compiled a complete guide on where to find every gem (life, shadow and life) weapon upgrade and scrolls that is littered throughout the game.
Note: The guide’s provided by gamesradar.com
Oh yeah the guide has pics to boot!
To make things simpler you can click on these links so you can make the search easier:
- Chapter 1: Hunting Path
- Chapter 1: The Dead Bog
- Chapter 1: Pan’s Temple
- Chapter 1: Oblivion Lake
- Chapter 2: Enchanted Forest
- Chapter 2: Underground Caves
- Chapter 2: Labyrinth Entrance
- Chapter 2: Waterfalls of Agharta
- Chapter 2: Agharta
- Chapter 2: Dark Dungeon
- Chapter 2: Sanctuary Entrance
- Chapter 2: Sanctuary of Titans
- Chapter 3: The Three Towers
- Chapter 4: Mountain Fortress
- Chapter 5: Wygol Village
- Chapter 5: Abbey Catacombs
- Chapter 5: Abbey Library
- Chapter 5: Abbey Tower
- Chapter 5: Castle Sewers
- Chapter 6: Castle Courtyard
- Chapter 6: Maze Gardens
- Chapter 6: Castle Hall
- Chapter 6: Refectory
- Chapter 7: Balcony
- Chapter 7: Electric Laboratory
- Chapter 7: Chromatic Observatory
- Chapter 8: Outer Wall
- Chapter 8: The Clockwork Tower
- Chapter 8: Olrox
- Chapter 8: Throne Room
- Chapter 9: Bones Forest
- Chapter 9: Woes Moor
- Chapter 9: The Music Box
- Chapter 10: Titan Graveyard
- Chapter 10: Fire Cemetery
- Chapter 10: Crematory Oven
- Chapter 11: Necromancerรขโฌ™s Abyss
CHAPTER 1: Hunting Path
Life Magic Gem
After the horseback battle with the Wargs, Gabriel will be in a clearing and have to fight several Lycanthropes. Run the lower part of the area to find a corpse containing this Life Gem Medallion. Make sure to nab this before you defeat all of the Lycanthropes or a cutscene will take place, removing you from the area.
CHAPTER 1: The Dead Bog
Life Magic Gem #1
At the very start of the level, on the first knightรขโฌ™s corpse.
Scroll #1
Just beyond the first corpse is a second corpse containing this scroll.
Life Magic Gem #2
After killing the first group of Goblins in this level, continue on until you see stairs to the right. Follow this path until you drop from a ledge and the camera angle changes. Now head to bottom right corner of the screen and youรขโฌ™ll encounter a corpse containing this Life Gem.
Life Magic Gem #3
Now continue the way you were heading before that little detour. Immediately after hopping up to the next area there is a path leading to the left covered by some dead brush. Follow this path, wading through the bog until you come upon a corpse lying on a rock. Continue in this direction.
Scroll #2
Youรขโฌ™ll eventually reach dry land, with more bog leading north. Choose to go up through the bog and youรขโฌ™ll see a corpse on the right containing a scroll. Grab health from the fountain on the left side of the screen if needed, then continue north through the bog until you reach another camp. Here youรขโฌ™ll need to fell the dead tree using Goblin grenades.
Scroll #3
After crossing over the fallen tree, there is a corpse to the left containing this scroll.
Life Magic Gem #4
After dropping down to grab the ledges, youรขโฌ™ll come upon a section where the game tells you to use the R2/Right Trigger button to grip. Ignore that, swing to the ledge to the right, and drop down to find a corpse containing the last Life Gem. If youรขโฌ™ve collected all of them so far, this one should be enough to fill your first Life Gem Medallion.
CHAPTER 1: Panรขโฌ™s Temple
Scroll #1
Follow the straightforward path, and soon after the second amulet you will find a corpse containing the first scroll.
Life Magic Gem
From the corpse with the scroll, run right as far as you can. The camera angle will change and youรขโฌ™ll be in front of another amulet. Continue past it to find a corpse containing a Life Gem.
Scroll #2
Just before you pass through the massive tree trunk, a corpse is lying right out in the open.
Holy Water Upgrade
Just before where you solve the rune trial, youรขโฌ™ll see a glaringly obvious Brotherhood Ark to your left. Unfortunately, you cannot reach it until you have the Seraph Shoulders, obtained by completing chapter 8. Return here when you have them.
CHAPTER 1: Oblivion Lake
Life Magic Gem
To the left of the statue, on the dock.
CHAPTER 2: Enchanted Forest
Scroll #1
Found soon after the level begins, a corpse lies on the cliffs.
Light Magic Gem
After the long, narrow set of steps, your path will fork (see the pic).
Follow the path to the right. Continue on defeating some Goblins, and you’ll find a corpse just around the corner. Head back to the fork.
Scroll #2
After climbing up the rock face with the waterfall, continue just a bit to find a corpse with the second scroll.
Scroll #3
Just beyond the area where you found the second scroll, you’ll see a large wall with a hook point on it. Climb up and bash through the weak circular section to find another corpse containing a Focus Scroll. Finding corpses is exciting, isn’t it?
Scroll #4
Around the right side of the giant tree stump you’ll find another corpse containing another scroll.
CHAPTER 2: Underground Caves
Scroll #1
In the room where you kill the second giant spider, choose the path to the right. Follow it until you find a corpse containing this first scroll. Head back to the room and go left.
Light Magic Gem
You’ll need the Spiked Chain to get the gem at this point, so either come back here right after you get it later in the level, or come back to this spot on a second run-through to pick up the gem.
Scroll #2
From the Runic Stone Door, head left and cross the spider web bridge. Immediately after doing so, leap across the gap to the left. Continue this way until you find a corpse containing a scroll.
Scroll #3
Again, from the Runic Stone Door, head left and cross the spider web bridge, but instead of leaping to the right like you would for scroll #2, continue downward. Follow the path until you see a corpse.
CHAPTER 2: Labyrinth Entrance
Scroll #1
Just beyond the door you need the warthog to break through, there is a statue to the right which you can destroy with your weapon. A corpse will be revealed, and whaddya know, there’s a scroll there.
Scroll #2
Against the wall after you do your high-wire act over the first set of beams.
Light Magic Gem
From the spot where you found the second scroll, you can head down some stairs hidden to the right of the wood plank bridge. They lead into a small room with a dead knight.
Scroll #3
Here, against the statue on the right, is yet another corpse worth looting.
CHAPTER 2: Waterfalls of Agharta
Scroll #1
Right next to you when the level begins.
Light Magic Gem #1
After pulling the tree down with the spider’s silk, killing the poor thing will earn you a Light Magic Gem.
Scroll #2
Just to the left in the area where you fight your second Greater Lycanthrope, there will be a corpse.
Light Magic Gem #2
Shortly after defeating the Cave Troll, you’ll be given a choice to enter the left or right cave.
Head right until you come upon a large waterfall. Walk through it, and search the corpse you find for the gem.
CHAPTER 2: Agharta
Scroll #1
From the start of the level, head to the right and leap across the gap, using your chain to make the full distance. When you land, you’ll find a corpse with a scroll.
Scroll #2
From the location of the first scroll, head left, then down.
Shadow Magic Gem #1
Just before the stairs leading into the area where there is a statue you’re too weak to move and a gap you’re too weak to leap across (it’s time to man up Gabriel…)
Turn left and the camera will shift, revealing a corpse with your first Shadow Magic Gem.
Dagger Upgrade
This statue cannot be moved/destroyed unless you are riding a troll or have the Dark Gauntlet (obtained at the end of this chapter). Behind the statue is a dagger upgrade.
Scroll #3
After defeating the cave troll, there is a corpse resting in the area to the left. It contains a scroll.
Life Magic Gem
After grabbing the scroll, head right, and up the stairs. At the top of the steps, run to Gabriel’s right. You’ll drop down into an area that the camera may not have shown you. Loot the body for a Life Gem.
Shadow Magic Gem #2
Once across the gap you needed the Warg to leap over, there is a corpse just before the broken bridge near a tree. It contains a Shadow Magic Gem.
CHAPTER 2: Dark Dungeon
Light Magic Gem
When you get to the last grip point (just before you drop down onto solid ground), instead of dropping, press an attack button to propel yourself backwards and leap to grab a ledge on the other side of the waterfall.
Continue along this path until eventually you’ll be hanging from your chain against the wall.
Swing to the left and make a leap of faith – there will be corpse there with a gem.
Scroll #1
On a corpse lying to the left of this big staircase.
Scroll #2
Take the left path from where monoliths stand. A corpse will be lying in your path.
Shadow Magic Gem #1
From where you find the first stone rune key, there is a passageway in the rocks just to the right of that corpse.
There you will see a fallen knight holding a Shadow Magic Gem.
Shadow Magic Gem #2
After using the runes to complete the bridge, continue on until you reach a chain grip point. At the top of your climb, shimmy along until you see a glowing ledge behind you.
Instead of leaping to it, leap to your left and drop down to find a corpse holding this gem.
CHAPTER 2: Sanctuary Entrance
Scroll #1
After fighting your first group of Lesser Lycanthropes, continue on a bit and a corpse will be lying right under a ledge you need to climb up.
Light Magic Gem
After you defeat a group of Lesser Lycanthropes and secure the first crystal shard, take the path to the upper right of the screen. Use the chain grip point to climb up, and head toward the camera to find a corpse.
Shadow Magic Gem
As you are shimmying along this red painted wall, climb up instead of dropping down on the left side to find a corpse holding this gem.
Dagger Upgrade
You’ll find a gate wheel very close to where you found the crystal shard and health fountain. Use your weapon’s Stake upgrade, which you might not have yet, to open the gate and find this upgrade.
Hint Scroll
There is a corpse here lying against the pillar, hidden from the camera’s view. Pilfer it to find a hint scroll.
CHAPTER 2: Sanctuary of Titans
Shadow Magic Gem
This can be a very annoying gem to track down. The camera is no help at all in this case because it will be constantly locked on the titan. Run in the direction Gabriel is facing when the battle starts until you hit the back wall. Then turn to Gabriel’s right and run along the wall. You may need to go back and forth a couple times in order for the camera to swing around, but the corpse is there.
CHAPTER 3: The Three Towers
Scroll #1
A corpse is lying right here in your path after you make the leap from the high area to the low.
Fairy Upgrade
Youรขโฌ™ll need the Cyclone Boots or the Seraph Shoulders to jump to the high ledge across the gap and reach this Brotherhood Ark.
Scroll #2
On the right part of the temple entrance, you’ll find this corpse. Loot it for a scroll.
Shadow Magic Gem #1
Just ahead of you once you enter through the temple doors.
Light Magic Gem
From the corpse where you just picked up the Shadow Magic Gem, look to the left. There is a portion of the wall you can bring down using your chain. After doing so, climb the wall, and leap over the gap to find a corpse holding this Light Magic Gem.
Shadow Magic Gem #2
When you use your Warg steed to climb up the vines, you’ll end up in a room with three exits. The one to the right leads to a balcony with a corpse holding a shadow gem. You can kill your Warg and pick it up now, then choose to restart from the last checkpoint. You’ll be back on the Warg, and the Gem will still be in your inventory.
Hint Scroll
You can find this scroll where you find one of the fairies (probably the one you find first), at the top of a tower. The corpse is right next to a Neutral Element Fountain.
Life Magic Gem
At the top of the tower where you find one of the fairies (probably the one you find second) walk toward the camera to reveal a corpse containing a Light Magic Gem.
Shadow Magic Gem #3
As you’re using your chain to climb down the tower where you found a fairy and the above Light Magic Gem, you’ll spot a broken wall.
Instead of using your chain to continue down, grab the ledge and shimmy left, then climb into the room where you’ll find a corpse.
CHAPTER 4: Mountain Fortress
Scroll #1
Along this path near the beginning of the level, impossible to miss.
Life Magic Gem
At the level’s first fork in the road go right to find a corpse holding this gem.
Shadow Magic Gem #1
After you sprint-jump over the broken bridge, you’ll see a small wall to your right. Use your Shoulder Dash to break it down.
Grab the gem from the corpse on the other side.
Light Magic Gem #1
Just over the second gap that you’ll need a sprint-jump to clear, there is a chain grip point.
Climb up here, shimmy right, and continue up the rock face.
Scroll #2
There’s a corpse right in front of the broken fortress door.
Scroll #3
Soon after defeating the Ogre, you’ll come across a narrow hallway with a gap.
Instead of leaping over it, drop down to find a corpse.
Light Magic Gem #2
At the end of the hallway where you found the third scroll, you can use your Gauntlet punch to knock back the pillar.
Follow this new path until you find a dead knight holding another gem.
Fairy Upgrade
Come back to this area after youรขโฌ™ve obtained the Stake upgrade. You can use it to open a gate and reach a Brotherhood Ark containing a Fairy Upgrade.
CHAPTER 4: The Crow Witch
Scroll #1
Right off the bat, you can find this scroll on a dead knight lying directly under the giant crow’s head.
Light Magic Gem
There’s a corpse to be found up the stairs, just behind the giant crow’s head.
Shadow Magic Gem
When you make your way outside, you can climb up the cliffs to the right, or drop down and jump to the left.
Take the latter path, and eventually you’ll be in a cave full of small trolls, coffins, and of course, a knight’s corpse.
Holy Water Upgrade
After you defeat the second trio of Swordsmasters, run up the winding stairs and you’ll see an Ark across the gap. Youรขโฌ™ll need to come back with the Cyclone Boots and the Seraph Shoulders, and execute a sprinting double jump.
Life Magic Gem
From the same room where you killed the second trio of Swordsmasters, use your chain to climb up to the top floor of the tower. Head right, and out onto a balcony containing a knight’s corpse and a Neutral Elemental Fountain.
Scroll #2
Once the battle with the Crow Witch begins, you can find this scroll on a corpse lying at the edge of the arena.
CHAPTER 5: Veros Woods
Life Magic Gem #1
Soon after you take out the two goblins look for a breakable wall on the right side of the path, partially hidden by brush. Use the Shoulder Charge to break it down. You’ll find a dead knight holding a gem.
Note: Because it is important to chase the Chupacabra through the forest in order to get your stuff back asap, the order in which the following collectibles are listed assumes you track down the Chupacabra first, before going around the forest to search for additional collectibles.
Scroll #1
Right after you bash down the door with the Warthog, you’ll see a corpse next to a Health Fountain on your right. Pilfer the dead body for a scroll.
Scroll #2
Just a few feet further into the small cave where you caught the Chupacabra you’ll see a corpse in plain sight.
Life Magic Gem #2
In the area of the forest where the path splits into three paths, take the one on the left. You’ll see a small wall that you can Shoulder Dash through.
On the other side, you’ll find a corpse near some crystal shards.
Shadow Magic Gem
At the same fork in the road mentioned above, head down the right path and stick to your right. You’ll come upon another breakable wall. The corpse on the other side has a Shadow Magic Gem for you.
Scroll #3
Just beyond the breakable wall (on the path that you’d take to finish this level) there is a corpse with the third scroll.
CHAPTER 5: Wygol Village
Holy Water Upgrade
A bit after the start of the level, you’ll see a small staircase to the right. Break through the wall here with a Shoulder Dash, then once inside, use the Seraph Shoulders to reach the Brotherhood Ark.
Shadow Magic Gem
At the back right corner of the graveyard, there is a fallen knight lying in the rubble. Loot his body for this gem.
To the right of the Mausoleum steps, look for a corpse carrying this scroll.
CHAPTER 5: Abbey Catacombs
Life Magic Gem
In the room with the massive gears, once you are on the right side run toward the camera and to the left. There is a corpse here containing a Life Magic Gem.
Scroll #1
Soon after you pass through the door requiring two cloister keys, you’ll come upon a portal on the ground. Run past it, down the hall, and to the right.
Hint Scroll
In the nearby courtyard. This corpse is lying in the center.
Light Magic Gem
Turn the courtyard crank one quarter-turn clockwise from its initial position, then go through the portal. You’ll see a fallen knight as soon as you warp.
Scroll #2
Turn the courtyard crank a half-turn clockwise and go through the portal. You’ll find a Health Fountain and a corpse with a scroll.
CHAPTER 5: Abbey Library
Light Magic Gem #1
Follow the straightforward path once the level starts. When you have the option to turn left or go straight, choose the latter to find this gem.
Hint Scroll
After the cutscene where you escape the Animated Armors through the trap door, you practically land on this dead body.
When you enter the room pictured above, look to the left for a corpse holding this scroll.
Light Magic Gem #2
When you enter the room pictured above for the first time, follow the beam of light to the right until it ends.
Left of your position will be a dead knight with a Life Magic Gem.
Shadow Magic Gem
At the beginning of the third mirror puzzle room, there is a dead knight under some books in this small gazebo seen in the center of the picture. And yes, that Goblin is about to pwn Gabriel.
CHAPTER 5: Abbey Tower
Scroll #1
Turn left at your first opportunity (when you get out into the open). There is a corpse against the wall holding a scroll.
Life Magic Gem #1
When you enter the structure pictured above through the broken wall, turn to your right and head toward the camera to find this gem.
The gem location.
Scroll #2
Here, near a dead tree leaning against a wall.
Life Magic Gem #2
After you climb to the top of the first tower, you’ll reach a point where you need to do a spring-jump forward to grab a ledge on the wall of the adjacent tower. Shimmy left instead around the building and drop down onto a small ledge where there is a dead knight (how did he get up here?) holding a Life Gem.
CHAPTER 5: Castle Sewers
Scroll #1
At the bottom of the stairs in the water, just underneath the first stream of flowing sewage, there is a corpse. Not surprising.
Shadow Magic Gem
Instead of going through the first opened gate, slog through the sewage down and to the right to find a corpse containing a shadow gem.
Scroll #2
After you’ve made the sprint-jump between the first and second gate, head toward the camera to find a bag of holy water and a corpse holding a scroll.
CHAPTER 6: Castle Courtyard
Scroll #1
At the top of the screen to the left, in the yard where you fight the Skeleton Warriors and the Warg, there is a corpse containing the first scroll.
Life Magic Gem
In the yard where you fight the Skeleton Warriors and the Warg, note that there is a breakable door near the Neutral Element Fountain.
Use Shoulder Dash to break it down, and claim the Life Gem inside.
Scroll #2
After you use the Warg to climb the pillar, kill your mount and walk across the beam to your left. In this area, you’ll find a corpse.
CHAPTER 6: Maze Gardens
Life Magic Gem
Here you’ll find a statue that you can tear down using your Spiked Chain.
You’ll find it if you take the right path at the start of the level. Behind it lies a corpse holding this Life Gem.
Light Magic Gem
If you head to the left from the start of the level, you’ll eventually come upon a weak brick wall that you can bust through using Shoulder Dash. On the other side is a corpse holding this gem.
Shadow Magic Gem
If you head to the right from the start of the level, you’ll soon see a collapsed bridge near the bottom of the screen. You’ll need a spider mount to spin a web across this gap, so make sure to come back once you’ve found one.
Scroll #1
In the yard on the left section of the level, near where you find the brick wall hiding the Light Magic Gem.
Scroll #2
At the corner of the maze between the two different doors requiring a spider mount to tear down.
Hint Scroll
Just before you enter the yard with the puzzle, you’ll see a corpse to the right of the entrance. It holds the hint scroll for the puzzle.
CHAPTER 6: Castle Hall
There is a knight’s corpse at the back corner of the second hall. Pilfer it for the first scroll.
Hint Scroll
This corpse is lying right in the center of the third hall.
Life Magic Gem
You can climb up the wall on the left side of the third hall. There’s a corpse just begging to be looted.
Dagger Upgrade
There is a Brotherhood Ark just above the room with the three magic switches, near the Neutral Element Fountain. You’ll need the Seraph Shoulders.
Light Magic Gem
After the Vampire Wargame, look for a dead knight near the upper right hand corner of the board. He holds a Light Magic Gem.
CHAPTER 6: Refectory
In the main dining room, you’ll find a dead knight underneath the tables on the left. Destroy the tables and nab the scroll.
Shadow Magic Gem #1
Once you grapple into where the Ghouls come out, you’ll enter a cramped passage. Turn to Gabriel’s right (toward the camera) when you hit the intersection.
Life Magic Gem
After you get the Evil Butcher Key, return to the room where you grabbed feed for the Ghouls and open the locked door. Inside you’ll find a fallen knight to the left.
Hint Scroll
In the final puzzle room, where you fight the Animated Armor and the Skeleton Knights, there is a chain grip point on the right side. Climb up and around.
Once on this higher level, look underneath the statue, between its legs. There’s a scroll to grab.
Shadow Magic Gem #2
From where you found the hint scroll, you’ll see some wooden beams. Do your high-wire act across all the beams until you get to the other side of the room, where a corpse is waiting to be looted.
CHAPTER 7: Balcony
Shadow Magic Gem #1
You’ll probably spot this fallen knight as you work your way across the wooden beams. Once you reach the end of the beams, turn right and hop off the ledge.
Shimmy to your left and you’ll be able to reach the corpse.
Scroll #1
On the roof, next to the locked gate.
Scroll #2
Where you hang from the roof with your chain, you’ll see an open window below. Drop down and enter to find this dead knight.
Light Magic Gem
In the room next to the one where you just found the scroll, there is another corpse here containing a Light Magic Gem.
Shadow Magic Gem #2
Inside the room with the puzzle, you’ll find this corpse hiding behind the wall of junk.
Hint Scroll
In the same room as the previous Shadow Magic Gem, there is a dead knight out in the open left of the puzzle.
CHAPTER 7: Electric Laboratory
Hint Scroll
In plain sight, right in front of you when the mission starts.
Light Magic Gem
When you enter the second electricity room, punch the closest switch, then go left. The corpse will be leaning against the wall.
Life Magic Gem
In the upper right hand corner of the third electricity room, obtainable after you defeat the Mechanical Monstrosity. Refer to the video for exact instructions on how to solve the puzzle and reach the gem.
CHAPTER 7: Chromatic Observatory
Hint Scroll
Use the red lens you picked up in the last level to open the red door. Inside you’ll see this dead knight lying in the middle of the floor.
Scroll #1
Left side of the yellow room. The camera won’t fully reveal the corpse, but you should be able to at least see the legs.
Life Magic Gem
Inside the green room, after you use the hook tip to swing across the gap, you’ll see a dead knight on the right. The camera will switch over though, and the knight will now be hidden to the left. You can however still reach it, so grab the gem.
Light Magic Gem
Use the green and blue lenses to light up the cyan seal. This will awaken the Animated Armor, but once he moves his metal ass you can grab the Light Magic Gem from the poor sap that was underneath him.
Scroll #2
You’ll need to use the red, green, and blue gems simultaneously to open the white door. Inside and to the right is a fallen knight holding this second scroll.
Shadow Magic Gem
Inside of the white room, you’ll encounter a lock that requires a white key. If you have the white key from the green room, use it and grab the Shadow Gem from the corpse.
CHATPER 8: Outer Wall
Right next to you when the level first begins.
Shadow Magic Gem
After scaling the wall, pass the health fountain and turn left. The camera will change, revealing a corpse. Loot it for a Shadow Gem.
Hint Scroll
Continue running past where you found the Shadow Gem and youรขโฌ™ll see this corpse lying next to a Neutral Element Fountain.
Light Magic Gem
In the final room of the level with the tower key slot, there is a corpse hiding off to the left holding a Light Magic Gem.
CHAPTER 8: The Clockwork Tower
Light Magic Gem
From the beginning of the level, walk along the two straight beams connected in the middle. When you reach the platform on the opposite end, leap to the left, and youรขโฌ™ll land on another platform holding a knightรขโฌ™s corpse.
Life Magic Gem
Next to the Neutral Element Fountain there is an electrified wall. When you climb to the top, shimmy left, then drop down. Jump across to the platform on the right. It has a dead knight on it, and heรขโฌ™s got a Life Gem.
CHAPTER 8: Olrox
Shadow Magic Gem
There is the Brotherhood Knightรขโฌ™s corpse in one of the iron maidens, as you may have seen during the battle with Olrox.
CHAPTER 8: Throne Room
Light Magic Gem
About halfway up the stairs, on the right.
CHAPTER 9: Bones Forest
Shadow Magic Gem #1
From the starting point of this level, head left. The corpse containing this gem is not far.
Light Magic Gem
If you run around to the backside of the portal you used to enter this level, youรขโฌ™ll find a corpse holding a Light Magic Gem.
Scroll #1
Ironically, in the spot with the large gap where the game tells you รขโฌลYour Wings can also help you jump higher and further,รขโฌย you should drop down instead. Youรขโฌ™ll find a dead knight carrying a scroll.
Scroll #2
If you take the right path out of the first Headless Burrowerรขโฌ™s camp, youรขโฌ™ll see a large gap. Make the leap by sprinting and double-jumping and climb up the cliff face to reach this scroll.
Shadow Magic Gem #2
If you take the left path out of the first Headless Burrowerรขโฌ™s camp, youรขโฌ™ll reach the large gap seen above. Your goal will be to make the lead and land on the higher ledge.
Here youรขโฌ™ll find another camp, and another corpse carrying a gem.
Life Magic Gem
Immediately after the Chupacabra steals your powers, look to your right. Youรขโฌ™ll see a ledge. Climb up and to the right to find the slain Brotherhood Knight who carries this gem.
Scroll #3
Just before the end of this level, thereรขโฌ™s a dead knight to the right of your path. You canรขโฌ™t miss him.
CHAPTER 9: Woes Moor
Shadow Gem
This one is easy to miss. As soon as the level begins, head back the way you came. There will be a corpse holding this gem.
Hint Scroll
There is a dead knight in a puddle just a ways past Baba Yagaรขโฌ™s house. He carries the hint scroll for this levelรขโฌ™s puzzle.
Scroll #1
From the second crowรขโฌ™s perch, head right. Youรขโฌ™ll find this corpse next to a giant pumpkin.
Scroll #2
If you continue to the right of where you found the above scroll, youรขโฌ™ll come upon a destroyed barn where one of the Scarecrows is resting. Behind the house youรขโฌ™ll find a dead knight holding a scroll.
Life Magic Gem
No head into the destroyed barn. To the right of the scarecrow around the corner is a slain knight with a gem for you.
Light Magic Gem #1
At the very back of the level, youรขโฌ™ll find a large wood barrier that you can tear down using your spike chain.
Climb the stairs and youรขโฌ™ll come upon a dead knight at the top.
Light Magic Gem #2
Behind this barrier youรขโฌ™ll find a corpse containing this gem.
CHAPTER 9: The Music Box
Light Magic Gem
Grab the green cylinder right away, and use it in the device to your right. This opens up a path where a dead knight is clearly visible. You can loot him now, but youรขโฌ™ll be killed. Luckily if you time it right, the gem will be permanently in your inventory just before death.
Life Magic Gem
Use this combination in the device รขโฌโ red, blue, magenta, yellow. This path will lead you to a room with a corpse holding a gem.
CHAPTER 10: Titan Graveyard
Scroll #1
There is a corpse to your right just after you finish climbing down the cliff face. He holds a scroll.
Scroll #2
Here, in the area where you fight the two skeleton warriors, youรขโฌ™ll see this corpse.
Light Magic Gem #1
To the left of where you find scroll #2, there is a fallen titan that you can climb. Do so, then drop down on the other side to find a fallen knight carrying a gem.
Life Magic Gem
BEFORE you use the rune to move the titanรขโฌ™s arm, run along the arm and youรขโฌ™ll reach a small island holding a dead knight.
Scroll #3
Once you have moved the titan arm using the rune, follow the new path. Leap to the fallen titan on the right, then continue right and jump across to another area that contains a fallen knight and a bag of holy water.
Shadow Gem
After you jump to the fallen titan on the left, work your way around the front of the titan to find a dead Brotherhood knight holding a Shadow Gem.
Light Magic Gem #2
Once you activate one of the two rune slots on this titan, it will raise its arm. Climb up and leap from this extended limb to reach the next area. There will be a corpse partially hidden by destructible debris right where you land.
CHAPTER 10: Fire Cemetery
Light Magic Gem
At the first fork in the road, choose to go right. Youรขโฌ™ll see a dead knight on the other side of a large gap. You may not be able to jump the distance, but thatรขโฌ™s ok, you can drop down safely and climb up the other side.
Hint Scroll
Just in front of your after the first cutscene with the Chupacabra.
Life Magic Gem #1
Head left after the Chupacabra cutscene and youรขโฌ™ll find this poor sap. Heรขโฌ™s got a life gem.
Scroll #1
Head right after the Chupacabra cutscene to find this corpse holding a scroll.
Life Magic Gem #2
Near the back of the puzzle area, in a small nook as seen above.
Scroll #2
Right across from this Neutral Element Fountain youรขโฌ™ll see a dead knight. Heรขโฌ™s got a scroll for you.
CHAPTER 10: Crematory Oven
Shadow Magic Gem
When you reach the point pictured above, climb up but shimmy to the right. Youรขโฌ™ll reach a fallen Brotherhood knight holding a Shadow Gem.
CHAPTER 11: Necromancerรขโฌ™s Abyss
Hint Scroll #1
There is a fallen knight here, not far from the start of the level. Heรขโฌ™s got a hint scroll for the puzzle ahead.
Shadow Gem #1
After you solve the calendar puzzle, run around to the left side and drop down. Youรขโฌ™ll find a corpse with a Shadow Gem.
Hint Scroll #2
Right next to the second puzzle is the hint scroll for the second puzzle. Makes senseรขโฌยฆ
Life Magic Gem