Sup guys. I’m the new guy in this blog. I don’t think good old haoson has made it public yet, but I’m here to bring my anime blogging activities to this blog. So yeah, that means a slight increase in anime content and whatnot here.
But what has that got to do with the title of this article? Well, simply because I’m making my first post on this blog about the recently concluded Ozine Fest 2012. I kind of fancy myself as a newscaster for anime conventions, but I’m really just some random dude with a simple camera. So without further ado, some pictures:
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It’s nice to see that the venue had a bit more space to move around comparatively for a change, but it seems like there are less booth this time around. I wonder if people have grown tired of setting up their booths in overcrowded conventions. Meh. But man, people were just randomly sitting in the center of an open space. I felt really clumsy walking across that place for fear that I might step on someone.
It’s also nice to see that Ozine Fest 2012 gave a lot more space to gaming booths and artist booths. I think they’re by far more interesting than bootleg toy booth. Just my 2 cents.
But as far as activities go, Ozine Fest 2012 pretty much stuck to their tried and tested formula. Nothing really shocked me on the event, for good nor bad. At least that means it was pleasant enough. My one complain is that the Individual Cosplay Competition ended far too late (probably started too late anyway). I couldn’t wait anymore for the Beat The Otaku Geeks portion. Oh well, I guess next time.
Oh, the earlier set of pictures are from day 2. Here’s some pictures from day 3. I have no picture for day 1 because I was at work. No, really, I was.
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I didn’t come but I think I can pull more people to contribute to this gallery bwahahaha just like old times
Welcome new guy!
Welcome bro! Nice article, btw ๐