Computer graphics is a wonderful subject regardless if its games or in film, 3D rendered scenes are an amazing sequence of complex computation that all work together to show a scene. While film CG usually ends up as a more visually stunning display, video games however are rendered real-time and is involves some of the most complex pipelines to achieves its output.
I’ve been a fan of the Youtube channel Branch Education since I saw their “How do SSDs work” video and they have just published one of the most beautifully summarized visualization and explanation of how video game graphics.
This 20-minute video should give you an idea how video game graphics works but most specifically, how complex it is to compute a scene which should give you an idea how much work a GPU does for every frame in your game. The video doesn’t touch on a lot of topics as video game graphics is really huge of a scope to cover. Branch Education did touch on raytracing and DLSS briefly but did not dive too much into the details.
I highly encourage watching the video if you have no idea how computer graphics work to understand some of the fundamental building blocks of the graphics pipeline.