I happened to come across one plurk post of a friend of mine where he said that “he totally lost the mood to play games”. At first glance it was totally harmless since there will be moments in any gamer’s life that he would lose interest in playing games.
I mean that happens to the rest of us right?
Then I hit the plurk and saw this as the first reply:
I wanted to flip a table right there and then just because of the ill-conceived perception that being an adult has anything to do with you stopping playing games.
I mean seriously how does that even compute!? When did a hobby ever become a basis of a person’s adulthood? Yes, that’s right did any of you people-who-love-to-blame-games-instead-of-your-poor-parenting-skills even think that playing video games is a hobby?
No. I didn’t think so.
If you call watching crappy telenovelas, pirated copies of movies or even all those reality shows as the basis for being an adult, I can just tell you that take your adulthood and shove it down your throat. I hope as you choke on it you realize how stupid and close-minded that assumption is.
What makes playing video games any different from watching movies? How is it any different from reading a book? Can both mediums deliver the same experience video games can?
No. They can’t.
No other medium (right now) can beat the immersion video games can give you. Movies and books only show you how big and awesome battles can be, video games on the other hand put you right in the center of it all.
No author or movie director can ever bring the same level of experience a finely crafted video game can.
And maybe that’s where the problem lies, games can be such a great vacuum of our attention that we fail to realize that time has flown by and the only thing we ever accomplished at the end of the day is a handful of quests, that we can’t even use in our daily lives (much like our diplomas and half of the subjects we took at college)
Wasting your whole day away is where I draw the line because this is where people (like the person up there) fail to realize that there’s a big difference between playing video games and being addicted to video games.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen- there is a difference, and I can say that it makes the world of a difference.
How so?
Playing video games is a form of entertainment, deny it or not, it’s similar to watching tv, movies, reading books and/or building kits or whatever. The only difference is that video games have a higher tendency to be addictive due to it’s nature.
I’ve personally seen and heard of gamers who destroyed their lives just because they are addicted to playing video games. However they are just an example of how games can destroy you if you become to addicted to it- which is funnily similar to people getting addicted to vices or even the above mentioned “hobbies”.
That is why I present the argument that it’s not about playing video games that makes us an adult or not, but being able to stop ourselves from playing them when it is necessary.
If you have nothing better to do on a weekend, what’s stopping you into diving headfirst to say, finishing uncharted? Or even playing around 300+ hours worth of Monster Hunter when you have no other responsibilities you need to finish? How is that any different from having marathons of western TV series, animes, movies or whatever koreanovela there is out there?
How is that ANY different hm?
I’ve seen a lot of successful “adults” who up to this day love playing video games. In fact, I have a friend who works as a VP for a construction company who loves playing RTS games (C&C generals is his forte the last time we met) and when he plays against us he would even personally handicap himself just so we have a chance against him. (the we consists of around 3-4 of us against him)
I have another friend who loves playing Starcraft who works as a supervisor for a local telecommunications firm in the country. He plays basketball on saturdays and even attends church regularly. Similar to my other friend he personally handicaps himself just so we have a slim chance of winning against him.
So, you call them juvenile? Can you call them kids? Immature perhaps? I.DARE.YOU.
Adulthood isn’t supposed to be measured by the hobbies you have but being able to stop at it if there are far more important things you need to do. It’s about realizing that what you do is just a hobby, a form of entertainment. Unless you earn a living while playing video games (I still do actually) you can’t make video games your whole life.
And please, stop using video games as the scapegoat of your weaknesses, because frankly blaming others for your own mistakes is the worst form of immaturity there is.
You got burned? Good.
After reading the whole thing, I can totally agree with you. Case in point: my stepdad is in his early 40’s yet he owns a PSP and plays all sorts of games on it (plus he’s a Koreanovela fanatic at that) plus he’s a full-time field engineer.
Who said that adulthood should be a clause in stopping playing video games?Â
Hell, my boss at work (married with 2 kids) is a certified techie PLUS a gamer (we’re twitching about FF XIII-2 and KH:3D at the moment) so who says that GETTING MARRIED should be a barricade in letting loose and enjoying yourself with hours and hours of gameplay?Only an idiot’s mindset would think that low. Don’t let getting old stop you from doing the things you love. (plus my grandmum plays Tetris Battle on Facebook. So who said old age is a hindrance if you want to enjoy yourself?!)
My mom didn’t stop playing online games (Ragnarok Online, Pirate King Online, etc etc… I forget the others, there were so many!) until last year, because she got busy career-wise. She always surpasses me when it comes to those kinds of games, it’s funny. I used to be the teacher, but now she sermons me on how I play! So yes. I agree.
Lol THAT setup would be better if she’d give you items whenever she hunts XD (EPIC LOOT without the hardwork we usually have to go through) but then that’s real cool 😀
“maybe you’re transitioning to adulthood? i have…” Complete with Puss’ pic as his/her avatar. lolÂ
I totally agree with you Vince, since my uncle which is going strong at 50, still plays PC Games. Gamers never gets old. They just level up.Â
“Gamers never get old. They just level up.”
Epic statement of the day – I’d like to make a shirt just for that!