A recent twitter post has just surfaced that announces the arrival of the latest version of the DirectX API. With rumours circling as early as last year with no definite confirmation, a lot of murmurs have declared the progress to have come to a slowdown.
Whilst no official statement from Microsoft has yet to appear, the announcement has plenty of credibility as the linked website is hosted in Microsoft’s own MSDN Developer blog. Further more, logos of large industry players are present in the website.
Although practically bare for now, the website does reveal one key information and that is that the debut of the DirectX 12 API will occur at the Games Developer Conference 2014 (GDC) this coming March 20.
Plenty of word has gone out that DirectX will be taking on a similar approach like Mantle, AMD’s API, in providing bare-metal access to the GPU. Nothing is official for now but this may come to light during the announcement at GDC.